LZI work­shop series: Cre­at­ive Cod­ing


07.12.2022, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, im Bierpool (E1.316)
14.12.2022, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, im Bierpool (E1.316)
21.12.2022, 14:00-16:00 Uhr, im Bierpool (E1.316)

Title: Creative Coding
Moderation: Dietrich Gerstenberger
Company: LZI

Click here to register

Dear students,

the learning center would like to 'exhibit' interactive "digital artworks" from you! Please use a search engine of your choice and look for "coding art" or "generative art", then you will get an idea of what we have in mind.

Of course you are welcome to develop these artworks in your 'quiet room'. Everyone who delivers a piece of art that can be viewed and manipulated in the browser is part of the exhibition. 

For all of you who don't want to be alone while programming or don't have an idea yet which development environment to use, we offer these classes in the Bierpool, where you can be among like-minded people and at worst work through our tutorial to get to know a suitable IDE and collect ideas for your own artwork.

For this purpose we have reserved the Bierpool for the given dates. If the interest on your part is greater than suspected, then we could also include the Anhalter-Pool on wednesdays at the given times.

We look forward to numerous registrations from you!