In­form­a­tion for New Stu­dents

New at the university? We've prepared a brief overview  of the most important things regarding the Computer Science Department's Services.

The IRB (Informatik Rechnerbetrieb) is part of EIM, the Institute for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, is composed of technicians from most of our faculty's resarch groups as well several students from various Majors.

We serve as a point of contact for students, employees, and professors of the IT Systems the Computer Science Department, and provide support for the systems we maintain, such as the Computer Pools, many Employee Computers and several servers (such as our GitLab Server, for example).

You can contact us via E-Mail or in person at either our office on the Campus (E0.129) or in the Fürstenallee (F2.521). Our Campus office is staffed from 9:30 to 18:00 on weekdays, and we'd be happy to help you there or per E-mail.

Before you'll be able to log into our Computers and begin working, you'll need an Computer Science Login.

You'll need an IMT Login first, which you already have if you can access University services such as E-mail, Koala, or PAUL, but if not, you can find out how to get one here .

Afterwards, go to the IMT User Self-Service Page and do the following

  1. Select "Benutzerverwaltung"
  2. Select "Weitere Dienste"
  3. Select "Erweiterte Ansicht" and choose "an"
  4. Select "IT-Dienste für Informatiker" and choose "Beantragen" under "Options"

If you habe a Major that's part of the EIM factulty, such as Computer Science, your Request for an Computer Science Login will be granted automatically; you will be informed on the page if you need to take any additional steps.

Please do E-mail us or come by in person if you have any problems or need assistance.

With your login you'll be able to use any of the computers in our computer pool rooms or remote desktop.

These are closed late at night and on the weekends, so if you want to use them at any other time, a magnetic card is required.

We primarily run Linux (OpenSuSE) on our machines, so if you do not have experience in that area you can contact us with any questions regarding our systems. Windows is offered, but only experimentally, and only via remote connection to a pool of Virtual Machines.

Printing is handled by the Fachschaft, where you can add the necessary funds to do so. You can check your current balance and the latest printing jobs at

We offer various other useful services, so take a look around.

If you have any questions or requests regarding our IT systems or the university's systems (even if we are not responsible directly, we usually know who is) don't hesitate to ask!